StarNine Technologies, a Quarterdeck Company

Aliases vs FSSpecs

Advantages to Using Aliases Instead of FSSpecs

In ListSTAR 1.1, files referenced by rules are represented internally as aliases rather than FSSpecs. The alias system uses not only the filename but also the file size, creation date, modification date, type, creator, and location to locate a file, so this change enables you to move and rename referenced files.

The ability to move and rename referenced files means that you can easily reorganize your ListSTAR folder hierarchy. For example, some sites want to store all referenced files, including those used by a related timer service, within the folder for one main service.

It also means that you can back up the ListSTAR folder and not worry about misaligned FSSpecs after a restore.

Another advantage is that you can easily move your ListSTAR server to another machine if the need arises. If all of the files and folders referenced by the server's rules are within the ListSTAR folder, you can simply drag the folder to the new machine. If there are files and folders outside the ListSTAR folder, you can copy them over as well. Even if the files and folders referenced by the server's rules are stored on a separate volume, ListSTAR will locate them correctly as long as the volume is mounted on the new machine.

Finally, using aliases makes it much simpler to create new lists for busy servers that can't afford to interfere with ongoing mail processing. With version 1.1, you can copy your ListSTAR folder to a separate machine (or even to a Zip Disk) and run it there while creating new lists. After the new services are complete and tested, you can install the new services in your main server by following these steps:

NOTE: We realize that many sites can't create services on a separate machine because both servers using the same serial number would cancel each other out. You can get around the serial number restriction by using a non-networked machine for creating services. We are also considering a special "administration" version of the ListSTAR server that could be used only for creating services.

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